Here is a list of all the Sleepover Friends books. The ones I have are in bold. I hope to eventually get all the books.
#1 Patti's Luck
#2 Starring Stephanie
#3 Kate's Surprise
#4 Patti's New Look
#5 Lauren's Big Mix-Up
#6 Kate's Camp-Out
#7 Stephanie Strikes Back
#8 Lauren's Treasure
#9 No More Sleepovers, Patti?
#10 Lauren's Sleepover Exchange
#11 Stephanie's Family Secret
#12 Kate's Sleepover Disaster
#13 Patti's Secret Wish
#14 Lauren Takes Charge
#15 Stephanie's Big Story
#16 Kate's Crush
#17 Patti Gets Even
#18 Stephanie and the Magician
#19 The Great Kate
#20 Lauren in the Middle
#21 Starstruck Stephanie
#22 The Trouble with Patti
#23 Kate's Surprise Visitor
#24 Lauren's New Friend
#25 Stephanie and the Wedding
#26 The New Kate
#27 Where's Patti?
#28 Lauren's New Address
#29 Kate the Boss
#30 Big Sister Stephanie
#31 Lauren's Afterschool Job
#32 A Valentine for Patti
#33 Lauren's Double Disaster
#34 Kate the Winner!
#35 The New Stephanie
#36 Presenting Patti
#37 Lauren Saves the Day
#38 Patti's City Adventure
Super Sleepover Guide
Super Beach Mystery
18th Annual Oscar Picks
3 weeks ago
There was a super special beach mystery?? There are so many things I never knew about the Sleepover Friends.
I had no idea there were that many! I think I only owned five or six. My favorite was the one where the girls went to visit one of their grandparents on an island off Maine. They had to take a puddlejumper plane to get there, which I thought was pretty awesome. I can't tell from the titles which one that is....
I never knew there were so many books, either. I was so excited when I saw the Super Beach Mystery on ebay. I had to get it!
Nikki-I don't know which book that is. It must be one of the ones I don't have yet. I'll let you know if I find it!
I finally got my last book I needed from Amazon last month, it only took me forever to give up looking in thrift stores.
You should try or for getting the books you need. Book Mooch helped me fill in the gaps in my Alice McKinley series.
Wow, I've read 30 of these! I didn't realize I was so close to having read them all.
Forgot to say... I have A Valentine For Patti and Lauren's Double Disaster and am looking to get rid of both. If you're interested, send me a message at denise at pedpar dot com.
I have only read the first one. Where is the best place to buy these books cheaply?
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